Invisible Hero - Honouring The Special Needs Mama on Mother’s Day
It’s hard to explain to someone who isn’t on this parenting path what it means to raise a child with a diagnosis. Essentially, it’s like regular parenting on steroids, while riding a roller coaster going off the tracks.
Every special needs mama I’ve met has the same goal - to have their child included in the real world - in school, the workplace, and the community. To have their child receive acceptance, with their unique strengths and abilities aside from their disability acknowledged.
Most people will never fully understand the amount of time, energy, and emotional investment required to navigate healthcare systems, advocating, therapies, appointments, education, social services, and emotional and physical exhaustion on behalf of these precious children. The emotions felt on the journey through it all swing wildly from joy… love… pride… frustration… sadness.. and worry about the future and their child’s well-being.
Special needs mamas are desperate for support - from childcare, chores, and emotional through just listening, understanding, and empathy. Mamas need to recharge and take care of themselves in order to take care of their child in order to avoid burnout.
Being a special needs mom means carrying the load of the heart of the family. You’re required to have patience when you want to scream, hide your tears behind your sunglasses, and research late into the night.
Psalm 56:8 MSG says “You’ve kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights, Each tear entered in your ledger, each ache written in your book.”
My greatest wish for the invisible heroes we know as special needs mamas this Mother’s Day is that they will feel seen and loved.
Whether your family and your child can appreciate and acknowledge what you tackle every day or not, the Bible says God sees all of it. Know how much your effort and selflessness means to your family, and to the Lord, who sees you fiercely loving those He’s put in your care every day.
Looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift for a special needs mama?
Get 50% off at Dear Mama Mail until May 13th!