A Time To Rest and A Time To Resume
When the world shut down for the pandemic, so did I.
I needed to slow down. I knew I needed to rest, and this way I was forced to. Burnout is a real thing! I had many balls in the air and was eventually too tired to lift any of them.
I had found myself posting and talking about the importance of rest constantly, but not able to see at the time that that was what my heart and body were trying to tell ME. Sometimes I think if the pandemic hadn't happened I would have stayed on that train as it went right off the tracks and over the side of the mountain!
During this time away, most aspects of music and writing have been pushed to the bottom of my priority list. My focus shifted immediately to my children and helping them navigate the disruption this has been for them and their lives.
Despite stopping everything, putting the brakes on this time felt different, because for the first time I wasn't questioning if I'm "really a creative" like I have in the past. This time I knew, yes, even though I am older now and I'm a mom and a wife and have grown-up responsibilities, that yes, I am creative, and yes, I need to have an outlet for it somewhere.
So, a few months ago I started to feel the familiar pull that it was time to get back to work and back to creating.
But every time I thought about starting, I realized I wasn't ready yet. I want to lose the last pandemic pounds I gained before coming back. I don't know if I have enough to talk about. There are projects around the house that should be completed before I add this back in. I want to plan well enough in advance so I'm not overwhelmed.
But what IS "ready", and has anyone ever actually been there?
The older I get the more I see how quickly time moves. Flipping through photo albums of the kids always proves that. There isn't time to waste. And being completely ready will probably never happen.
So I'm jumping in with lots of ideas and a few new dreams, in hopes that God isn't asking me to be ready, He is just asking me to begin again in faith, as I am right now.
It's time.